
"Green Lantern" and other films will be 3D-based

Following the great director, Martin Scorsese, expressed his support 3D technology, said the common feature films should also be made into a 3D movie, the other big-name directors Ridley Scott (Ridley Scott) also revealed that they would make in "Alien prequel" (Alien) made into a 3D movie.

This is just tip of the iceberg, the same today, Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 81 Warner Brothers announced their two new film, "Green Lantern" and "special bian bad earners" will also be made into a 3D stereoscopic film. "Green Lantern" directed by Martin Campbell, starring Ryan Reynolds, plans June 17, 2011 release; "special bian bad earners" directed by Zach Snyder, starring Aimilibu Browning, planning on March 25, 2011 release.

Warner this year, a lot of 3D films, in addition to April 2 of the "Gods of war", there are summer's "Cats and Dogs 2") and at the end of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Top)" . All three films were made using 3D post-transfer technology, and "Green Lantern" and "special bian bad earners" is I do not know whether to adopt the same technology.

